McDowell Wellness Center is hosting another Get Moving Challenge this year to begin on April 28. There will be a special focus on mental health this challenge because good habits such as exercise and eating well can affect physical as well as mental health. We will kick off the challenge on April 28 at 2:30 pm at Millennium Park. We hope you can join us for the festivities.
The challenge is free and all you need to do is track your minutes of physical activity and submit them each week of the 6 week challenge. Prizes are drawn weekly and grand prizes at the end; and everyone who submits at least 5 weeks of physical activity will receive a free Get Moving t-shirt, thanks to our generous sponsors.
Registration is available now.
Click here for Online Registration.
Click here for paper registration. Paper registrations need to be returned to McDowell Wellness Center. You may also pick up the registration form at McDowell Wellness Center.
T-shirt sponsors and prizes are needed. Please let us know if you can help. We want to give a big shout out to the Rotary Club of Danville who is our Platinum Sponsor this year! Thanks Rotary!
Click here for our Donation Form
Click here for the instructions for the Get Moving Challenge